

今日とても懐かしい音楽を聞きました。私が高1の冬に宣教師に歌ってもらった歌です。カルチャークラブという当時かなり奇抜な風貌で人気があったロックグループが歌う“カーマ カメレオン”(邦名 カーマは気まぐれ)です。宣教師から発音を教えてもらい始めたばかりの私には歌のテンポが速く、なかなか歌えなかったので宣教師に歌ってもらっていました。アメリカ人なのでもちろん歌えるのですが、“上手!”と言ってキャッキャ、キャッキャ喜んでいたのを思い出しました。



I haven't heard Karma chameleon by Culture Club for a long time.   I coincidentally found thier live held in 2008 on TV and they sang it. It brings me back at the age of 15 or 16.  In those days, Culture Club was a famous band and we often heard on TV.  It sounded nice to me. I wanted to sing it but it was so fast that I couldn't sing along. And then I asked one of the missionaies to sing it instead of singing myself. He sang it for me over and over again.  A very memorable song for me.... 

Another story for this picture. I had to work after visiting the Toyooka Branch on that day. I told missionaries about that, and one of them said that "It's not good to work on Sundays" What he said was very true but I wasn't brave enough to say I don't work on Sundays.  I was hesitated to work but I couldn't nothing but go to work. Spent some time there and went home. Soon as I got home, telephone rang and I answered. That was form my employer and he told that I wasn't happy at work. He suggested me to quite the work. That was Day 3 and I got fired. I experienced many things on one day. 

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